Now showing items 2294-2313 of 3042

    • RAMP: RDMA Migration Platform 

      Memon, Babar Naveed (University of Waterloo, 2018-05-16)
      Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA) can be used to implement a shared storage abstraction or a shared-nothing abstraction for distributed applications. We argue that the shared storage abstraction is overkill for loosely ...
    • Ramsey-nice families of graphs 

      Aharoni, Ron; Alon, Noga; Amir, Michal; Haxell, Penny; Hefetz, Dan; Jiang, Zilin; Kronenberg, Gal; Naor, Alon (Elsevier, 2018-08)
      For a finite family $\cF$ of fixed graphs let $R_k(\cF)$ be the smallest integer $n$ for which every $k$-coloring of the edges of the complete graph $K_n$ yields a monochromatic copy of some $F\in\cF$. We say that $\cF$ ...
    • Random forcing of geostrophic motion in rotating stratified turbulence 

      Waite, Michael L (AIP, 2017-12-29)
      Random forcing of geostrophic motion is a common approach in idealized simulations of rotating stratified turbulence. Such forcing represents the injection of energy into large-scale balanced motion, and the resulting ...
    • Random locations of periodic stationary processes 

      Shen, Jie; Shen, Yi; Wang, Ruodo (Elsevier, 2019-03)
      We consider a family of random locations, called intrinsic location functionals, of periodic stationary processes. This family includes but is not limited to the location of the path supremum and first/last hitting times. ...
    • Randomization and Restart Strategies 

      Wu, Huayue (University of Waterloo, 2006)
      The runtime for solving constraint satisfaction problems (CSP) and propositional satisfiability problems (SAT) using systematic backtracking search has been shown to exhibit great variability. Randomization and restarts ...
    • Randomized quasi-Monte Carlo methods with applications to quantitative risk management 

      Hintz, Erik (University of Waterloo, 2022-05-03)
      We use randomized quasi-Monte Carlo (RQMC) techniques to construct computational tools for working with normal mixture models, which include automatic integration routines for density and distribution function evaluation, ...
    • Ranges of vector states on irreducible operator semigroups 

      Marcoux, L.W.; Omladič, M.; Popov, A.I.; Radjavi, H.; Yahaghi, B. (Springer, 2016)
      Let 𝜑 be a linear functional of rank one acting on an irreducible semigroup S of operators on a finite- or infinite-dimensional Hilbert space. It is a well-known and simple fact that the range of 𝜑 cannot be a singleton. ...
    • Ranked Retrieval in Uncertain and Probabilistic Databases 

      Soliman, Mohamed (University of Waterloo, 2011-01-17)
      Ranking queries are widely used in data exploration, data analysis and decision making scenarios. While most of the currently proposed ranking techniques focus on deterministic data, several emerging applications involve ...
    • Rational approximations on smooth rational surfaces 

      Castañeda Santos, Diana Carolina (University of Waterloo, 2019-08-09)
      In this thesis, we study a conjecture made by D. McKinnon about rational approximations to rational points in algebraic varieties. The conjecture states that if a rational point P on a variety X lies on a rational curve, ...
    • A Ray Optics Framework for the Computation of The Sieve Effect Factor for Blood 

      Northam, Lesley (University of Waterloo, 2010-01-20)
      Light may traverse a turbid material, such as blood, without encountering any of its pigment particles, a phenomenon known as sieve effect. This phenomenon may result in a decrease in the amount of light absorbed by the ...
    • Rayleigh Property of Lattice Path Matroids 

      Xu, Yan (University of Waterloo, 2015-09-22)
      In this work, we studied the class of lattice path matroids $\mathcal{L}$, which was first introduced by J.E. Bonin. A.D. Mier, and M. Noy in [\ref{Bonin 2002}]. Lattice path matroids are transversal, and $\mathcal{L}$ is ...
    • Re-encoding Resistance: Towards Robust Covert Channels over WebRTC Video Streaming 

      Cruzat La Rosa, Adrian (University of Waterloo, 2024-01-18)
      Internet censorship is an ongoing phenomenon, where state level agents attempt to control the free access to information on the internet for purposes like dissent suppression and control. In response, research has been ...
    • Reach-Bounded, Non-Linear Input Amplification for More Comfortable Virtual Reality 

      Wentzel, Johann (University of Waterloo, 2020-04-30)
      Input amplification enables easier movement in virtual reality (VR) for users with mobility issues or in confined spaces. However, current techniques either do not focus on maintaining feelings of body ownership, or are ...
    • React++: A Lightweight Actor Framework in C++ 

      Khan, Md Navid Alvee (University of Waterloo, 2020-09-28)
      Distributed software remains susceptible to data races and poor scalability because of the widespread use of locks and other low-level synchronization primitives. Furthermore, using this programming approach is known to ...
    • Real equiangular lines and related codes 

      Winnick, Samuel (University of Waterloo, 2020-01-24)
      We consider real equiangular lines and related codes. The driving question is to find the maximum number of equiangular lines in a given dimension. In the real case, this is controlled by combinatorial phenomena, and until ...
    • Real-time Elective Admissions Planning for Health Care Providers 

      Zhu, George (University of Waterloo, 2013-01-23)
      Efficient management of patient admissions plays a critical role in increasing a hospital's resource utilization and reducing health care costs. We consider the problem of fi nding the best available admission policy for ...
    • Realizing Surface Driven Flows in the Primitive Equations 

      Bembenek, Eric (University of Waterloo, 2014-08-27)
      The surface quasi-geostrophic (SQG) model describes the evolution of buoyancy at vertical boundaries in the limit of infinitesimal Rossby number. In this regime, the quasi-geostrophic approximations are expected to hold. ...
    • Realizing surface driven flows in the primitive equations 

      Bembenek, Eric; Poulin, Francis J; Waite, Michael L (American Meteorological Society, 2015-05)
      The surface quasigeostrophic (SQG) model describes flows with surface buoyancy perturbations with no interior quasigeostrophic potential vorticity at small Rossby number Ro and O(1) Burger number, where quasigeostrophic ...
    • Reasoning about Benefits and Costs of Interaction with Users in Real-time Decision Making Environments with Application to Healthcare Scenarios 

      Jung, Hyunggu (University of Waterloo, 2010-08-11)
      This thesis examines the problem of having an intelligent agent reasoning about interaction with users in real-time decision making environments. Our work is motivated by the models of Fleming and Cheng, which reason about ...
    • Reasoning About Foreign Function Interfaces: Blame and Nondeterministic Formal Semantics 

      Turcotte, Alexi (University of Waterloo, 2018-08-31)
      Foreign function interfaces (FFIs) are commonly used as a way to mix programming languages. In such systems, a program written in a host language calls functions written in a guest language from within the same program. ...


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